The house of Musangano on fire in Harurwa Kingdom
Eeeh Eeeh Madhara imi ndochii ichocho chamunotiitira chinenge ngozi. Chimbomirai speed iyo regedzai kuramba amakatsika chekudoor icho. Chikaranga chedu hachidaro. Mukaramba muchiita yamurikuita iyi hamusi munenge mavakuwainira mudhorofiya here?
When I say or write any piece, I won’t be personal. I will be just saying what will be happening around our beloved neighbourhood.
Shakespear, once said and I quote, “I earn that I eat, get that I wear; owe no man hate, envy no man’s happiness; glad of other men’s good, content with my harm; and the greatest of my pride is to see my ewes graze and my lambs suck.” Saka chimbomirai kutiitira mapwapwa iwayo.
So, as usual, HOTH would be doing his rounds in his area when he overheard, women gossiping about some of the guys in Musangano. You know how women in the Ghetto do it. One brings tea leaves, the other one brings milk, the other sugar, the other provides the cooking utensils and fire, while the other one ndeuya uya.
You know what I mean. The storyteller anotaura kwaasina kuswera. Vaya vesimba rakawandira pamuromo sepinjisi. Vaya vana ndini ndine yese kkkkk vana mai Vhai. They will be looking for a free breakfast in exchange of outright lies and half-truths.
You know the kind of people who can spin a simple story to suit their narrative. Vaya vekuti vakati maswera sei unotanga wabuda panze just to make sure kuti masikati. Obviously as HOTH I will take everything she says with a pinch of salt. Vanobva vawaridza mazambia vonyatsa kutandavara havo nyaya dzichitaura. Wangu unopera ipapo.
Anyway, that’s a story for another day. So, there I was and I heard our usual storyteller was telling everyone in the group and those who cared to listen that the young turks vakatuka Jenarari vakadhakwa zvavo. Avazve Jenarari vepaharurwa apo.
I heard the former gunners was not pleased. Ehezve vava mucentral committee or politburo hameno ikoko asi chingozivai kuti ndezvemusangano chete. I am told that the young guys in the province are wielding too much power. In fact, the guys are so drunk in power that they no longer respect anyone.
Asi vakomana ka Muchafa nekurohwa imi. I heard ipo pedu paCCD apo iko kuharurwa uku parikupisa wena. I heard they no longer want their leaders accusing them of various crimes including stealing the presidential inputs.
The Jenarari is said to be angry with the Boys. Asi vakomana Muchafa imi kana mukaramba muchimisa misa Mandebvu enyu awa. As the storyteller said the Jenarari caused the youth vehicle to be recalled to the party headquarters. So the guys are back to Tsokorola.
Haa pakaoma vakomana. Just keep your fingers crossed. I think Musangano is about to fall apart. The centre can no longer hold. So until then I will update you. ADIOS!!!