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ZIMASCO emissions are ‘harmless’ –EMA

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ZIMASCO emissions are ‘harmless’ –EMA



KWEKWE – The Environmental Management Agency (EMA) has said that smoke emissions from a Zimasco plant in Mbizo are in the green (safe) category and are harmless to residents.
This was said by EMA Kwekwe district officer Daniel Magombedze during a District Development Committee held last week.
Magombedze said Zimasco carried out a study which showed that their emissions are in the green class.
“We requested ZIMASCO to carry out a survey on the smoke emissions at their plant and they did the survey. They gave us the results which revealed that the smoke which is being released into the atmosphere is safe as it is in the green class.
“However, we did not end there but we also made a request from our head office to give us equipment to carry out another survey on our own so we are still waiting for response from head office,” he said.
His sentiments come amidst an outcry from residents over the emission which envelopes Mbizo.
Kwekwe Residents and Ratepayers Development Association Secretary General Alex Thomas Homela told The Mirror that Kwekwe City Council and the Environmental Management Agency (EMA) should remedy the situation.
“Zimasco air pollution has been there for years and we haven’t seen any meaningful interventions from the responsible authorities, however we are not calling for the removal of the plant but we just need council and EMA to discuss this matter with the company management so that some measures can be introduced to reduce the smoke emissions. This pollution may be hazardous to our health as residents so we need some quick interventions,” said Homela.
ZIMASCO Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Namatai Mapfumo did not respond to the questions sent to him by The Mirror on his email and WhatsApp.
“Good afternoon. Please send official communication to my email. Sorry I am tied up with board preparations and have my phone on silent today,” said Mapfumo.
Kwekwe assistant DDC Reason Machina who chaired the meeting said there is need to expedite the resolution of the matter.

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