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Topic; Understanding what is the gospel

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Topic; Understanding what is the gospel


In our previous teaching we laid a few blocks of our teaching( body of the subject(Understanding the gospel) and also highlighted a few salient facts concerning the gospel..
We established that the gospel is woven around four incontrovertible facts his(Jesus) death,burial,resurrection and ascension to the Father’s right hand..
The gospel is over the top good news,it is good news too good to be true,too good to believe.
It is a love letter.
In the book of Acts of the apostles there are about 13 recorded sermons,a carefully study of all those sermons will lead one too see that the focus and emphasis was on one man Jesus Christ and what he did by his death and resurrection…
Man are not saved by confession of sins,water baptism,church ordinances or rituals or reciting the sinner’s prayer..
Jesus gave his body the church authority in his name to go and preach the gospel to everyone and everywhere….
Paul said I am not ashamed to preach the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone who believe(Rom 1:16),so those who are saved are those who believe since the gospel is the vehicle which hands over man faith for salvation…
We are not saved by our good works or acts of righteousness which we have done,we are saved by grace through faith…(Eph 2:8-9)one translation puts it this way,
God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. 9 Salvation is not a reward for the good things we have done, so none of us can boast about it.
The gospel announces that salvation is free and a grace gift.
It is never a reward/merit or earned.
The gospel announces the forgiveness of sins(2 Cor 5:18-19,Col 2:12-14,Eph 1:7,4:32)
Our acceptance into God’s family(Eph 1:17,2:18-19)
It reveals the unlimitless and depthness of the love of God which he demonstrated in Christ.
The death of Christ is the definition of the love of God
His sacrifice for ours sins is God’s love paraded to the whole world.
In loving the world God gave his Son to die our death as a payment for our sins therefore restoring us into a right standing and relationship with God..
Ps Trymore

To be continued…

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