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Senior magician harassing subordinates 

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Senior magician harassing subordinates 


How are  you HOTH’s avid readers? This week HOTH wants to visit that place where they repair people. I am told that there are also men and women at that place who have magic wands that can make you live for a few more years.

I don’t want to lie guys I was always afraid of visiting that place. As you would want to know, I lived with that fear through my entire transitional transformation. Yes, you are right. It was from adolescence, through puberty until I emerged as a fine young HOTH who could write in riddles and satire without a slight tinge of shame. I wrote all the pieces you have read as if my life depended on it. 

I heard those people can kill you, cut you up and remove the disease from your body before sewing you up and let you go minus the troubling illness. I can imagine that place as a heaven on earth. Where else on earth would you go and have your illness taken away?

Well, despite my fear, I knew one day I would visit the place either seeking services or just to listen to stories at the biggest garage in the province. So, one day I bumped into a certain story that left me dumbfounded and unable to decide what to do with it.  

Anyway let me tell you about it. The story evolves around very senior two magicians at the garage, with a penchant for kindness and love thriftiness. The duo allegedly single-handedly turned the garage upside down with their unwarranted harassment. Tossing workers around willy-nilly. It is unfortunate that people who were privileged to pass through the gates of human repairing  schools and colleges are now reduced to kids by these two.

Vakuru vebasa Chimbidzikai kutaura nevaviri ava because vana vanzwa nekutukwa chero pamberi pemapatients. Unfortunately, there are a lot of people gifted with brains who are kind to both patients and co-workers asi kungoti Mapudzi anowira kusina hari hawo. Hanzi Rufaro runosara pagedhi wena. 

Mwari komborera hiii mwana Getu…singing hangu. HOTH haavengi kana kureva munhu asi anongotaura zviitiko zvenyika. I heard that the garage is now a bus stop to hell for workers who are constantly undressed in front of patients. Asi sei muchidaro nhai Getu na Rufaro? Vana vanoda kufara pabasa vachirepairya vanhu pasina problem.

Ko nhai Rufaro I heard you are an alcoholic and you are always drunk. Zvino zvinozoda here pamunhukadzi? Asi makutomwa nezikozodo kanhi vakoma? Ndozvamaita paGutu here apo? I think there are one or two things that are not right here. 

Firstly, it’s so unprofessional for someone whether male or female to go to work drunk. Secondly, HOTH knows if you are called to order you are quick to play the gender card, but one thing you should remember is that those you are abusing are also women. So, that excuse won’t work here. You have to carry your cross because you are the villain here. 

So recently I heard you punished the other workers because you think they were gossiping about you and you denied them their off. HOTH has never heard any Labour Law or the nursing Act that gives someone absolute power to violate someone’s constitutional rights because he or she is a boss.

HOTH was told just last week some students were alleged to have been talking behind their boss and are now being denied their rightful time away from work. This shows that work ethics and professionalism is already moribund at our biggest garage. How can a social issue be dragged into professional matters. 

What shame! Saka zvebasa zvinotoda mapesenari here? I am told iwo Mapudzi awa akambomera mune imwe mission yekwaGutu uko asati aauya paGarage hombe iri. Kuchitiwo Getu hanzi she has a frustration that her womb was never by the Almighty that why she treat others the way she does. Asi musadaro veduwee Mapudzi chipo chinobva kuna Mwari.

Never take your fight to those levels because besides using it as a tool to fight back and getting satisfaction out of it Mwari vanotsamwa nazvo.  So Until we meet next week HOTH has to go. ADIOS! 

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