Ministry of Youth official arrested over 7bags of fertiliser
Moses Madyira.
CHIKOMBA – Edgar Zidya (42), a district head at the Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture offices in Chikomba has been arrested on allegations that he stole seven bags of compound D fertilizer.
He was brought to court on a warrant of arrest yesterday after he failed to appear in court as scheduled last week. Magistrate Sam Chitumwa remanded Zidya out of custody to January 25, 2021.
Zidya is facing charges of contraverning section 113 2(d) of the Crimminal Law Codification and Form Act Chapter 9:23; theft of trust property after he allegedly put fertilizer belonging to Nyahoni Vocational Training Centre to his own.
It is the State case that on September 9, 2021 Eric Mashonganyika (56) who is the accountant at Nyahoni purchased 7 × 50kgs of compound D fertlizer, 3× 25 kgs of maize seed, two bottles of insecticide, 3 packets of garden seed from Farm and City Chivhu for Nyahoni.
The inputs were ferried to Nyahoni with the exception of 7 bags of fertilizer which were left at Zidya’s office for safe keeping.
On October 4, 2021, Nyahoni principal went to the accused’s office to collect the bags but there was nothing.
On enquiry, records kept by security guards showed that the fertlizer was collected by Zidya. The value of the stolen goods is RTGS$$23 100 and nothing was recovered.
The state is represented by Melody Marozhe.