GZU lecturer dies in South Africa
MASVINGO – Great Zimbabwe University (GZU) lecturer and academic author, Dr Erasmus Masitera was found dead in his room at Free State University in Bloemfontein in South Africa this morning.
His body was discovered by colleagues who were supposed to take him to the airport on his way back to Zimbabwe at around 7am.
Masvingo lawyer, Grace Bwanya who is a close relative confirmed the death to The Mirror.
GZU director of Information Anderson Chipatiso said Masitera lectured in the Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
The cause of death is not yet clear but it is understood that Masitera was a postdoctoral fellow in the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARCHI) in higher education and human development research programme at the University of Free State.
He had been invited to Free State, a few days ago and was supposed to return to Zimbabwe this morning.
His colleagues got anxious when they realised that he was getting late for the plane back home and they went to check in his room. That is when they discovered that he was long dead.
Masitera was a well-published scholar with 12 publications in the fields of applied ethics, analytical philosophy, political philosophy, medical ethics, continental philosophy, African philosophy, existentialism and metaethics.
He held a Bachelor of Arts in degree in philosophy, a Masters in Philosophy and a doctorate in the same field. He lectured African and contemporary philosophy at GZU.
Masitera is survived by a wife and three children.https://masvingomirror.com