Gumbakumba club provincial member a wife snatcher
As we all know, there was Tea Party in Bikita to warm up the remaining days for the country to witness the once in a life time handover of the throne to Mambo Chipezvero in front of unhinged and cognitive impaired chiefs from the surrounding kingdoms.
I know that quite a number of readers are grappling to grasp the term ‘Tea Party’. Don’t worry that’s not a big deal. It was just a gathering of villagers who would gather at one place drinking, dancing and merry-making, just for fun and stress management.
However, the promoters and so recently politicians have found a cosy name for those gathering and now call them Galas. For the past decade or so we have seen dozens of those Tea Parties being thrown around by that not so popular Gumbakumba Club. I told that those misinformation and disinformation warrior was also present at the Tea Party.
As you know the Gumbakumba club is not a club but a mafia or put bluntly a cult where all the bad things you can imagine are done. I think joining the club is just like being initiated into Satanism. As HOTH, I am surprised by how these guys boast when they have wronged someone.
This guy I am talking of has the temerity to tell the hubby he had sex with his wife several times and that whatever he (hubby) is eating at his home he is the one who is buying. HOTH is shocked that the guy who is a provincial member cannot even write Shona correct words.
The cult is full of those dim pea-brained and social misfits who think that they are untouchable. Even the Shake-Shake building in the capital is full of deranged geriatrics. Asi kamuiitiro kenyu aka Muchafa vakomana. Munoda kuzviita vana Simon Peter, handiti?
If you think I am lying that one of the provincial member struggles with shona words, let me drop the V11 here. HOTH bumped into one of the texts from the guy. This is the real quote. Muchafa henyu nekurohwa tozviziva hedu, if you think the club is going to shield you. Honaiwo henyu. The guy doesn’t conform to the principals of grammar, poor spelling, no punctuation, no comma, no period…. Comma for whom…? Period for whom?
Kunemwe kutaura chokwadi ukavhudza paredzi dakadanana neye gore rapera haana kumbodiudza kuti ndinemurume vhudza vakawada ndeno daiziva hako ndakasiya kumba chaiko.vakatombopenga hako haisi mhosva yangu ndeyake iye musikana takadanana naye pava negore hako bvudza vana chamisa dhehwa nalodza svodo makusha vanokuudza iye akavadza hako takasvira kare takazovhota tadanana kare hako ariwiki ndiye kwete ini kana ari wako ndasiya ndahwa aiiti handina munhu paakarwara ndakbvisa mari yangu ini zvawakdya musiuno ndini ndaktenga saka anemosva ndiyani musoro wakagadzirwa ndini izvozvi zvimwe usatsamwira vanhu ndeno dakaziva hako ndaisiya ini ndatega hako chiederera mberi but usatuka vanhu kusviba kwangu kunaka tagodanana zvakadaro ukabvudza gabu anoziva ini pamwe takanyegerana hako sorry.
Ko iyewo Fochu uyu ichokwadi here kuti haana kutaura kuti ane murume? Asi Muchafa nezvamunoita izvozvo. That’s too bad hey! According to sources who spoke to HOTH on condition of anonymity, the guy has been taking advantage of all the women who joined the campaigning team.
I am yet to hear any comment from the provincial team. Of course, I know that no one will say anything because they are just the same. On the other hand, it beats me to think that someone can let his wife join the campaigning team. Ko iwe woita rei if your woman is spending most of the time with those brainless vultures?
Reliable sources told HOTH that the club is planning to bring the guy before a disciplinary committee, but I doubt that anything like that can happen within that club. Chero mukarega henyu asi ndati Muchafa henyu. Chero mukabvunza Simon Peter chaiye anozvizviva.