Chipinge village head registers deceased sister for Gov welfare
CHIPINGE – A Chipinge village head and his secretary have appeared in court for allegedly registering a deceased relative who died seven years ago for Government welfare benefits thereby prejudicing the State in the process.
Josphat Mangezi (57) who is the head of Musimbo Village allegedly connived with his secretary Lytton Dhliwayo (41) to register Mangezi’s sister Sana Maphosa for Government welfare.
They used the deceased’s National ID card to add the deceased on the list of Government welfare beneficiaries.
During the month of September 2018 Mangezi gave his sister’s ID number 13-055490Z-13 to Dhliwayo.
The cat came out of the bag when Dhliwayo later took the ID and also used it to register an Econet line number 0771514446 and gave the line to his employee Thomas Muchacha.
Muchacha allegedly proceeded at night to steal two beasts from a kraal nearby and went away with the beasts to Mozambique.
A wallet that contained the line was picked up by an Investigating Officer who stumbled into a lot of information when he tried to trace the line.
Muchacha was arrested and both beasts were recovered.