Boy (8) with heart wounds needs US$250 for X-ray scans
MASVINGO – A mother is appealing for US$250 from well-wishers for her wheelchair-bound son (8) with heart wounds to have two X-ray scans done to determine whether he needs to undergo a surgical operation.
Babra Chimuka told The Mirror that her son, Denlord can neither talk nor walk and wears diapers. He has difficulties breathing and his illnesses have stalled his physical, mental and psychological growth.
The two are currently sleeping at Masvingo Central Police Station after travelling from Harare in search of assistance. Babra spends the day pushing Denlord’s wheelchair around and begging for assistance from anyone who will listen to her.
“Denlord requires US$250 for the two X-rays that he is supposed to undergo. I am appealing for well-wishers to assist us. I am unemployed and looking after my four children,” she said.
Her son will undergo Electrocardiogram (ECG) and Echocardiogram (ECHO) X-rays once she has secured the required US$250.
Down syndrome is a genetic disorder caused when abnormal cell division results in an extra full or partial copy of chromosome.
Denlord has been getting medical care at St Giles Medical Rehabilitation Centre.
Well-wishers can contact Babra on 0785 335 729 or The Mirror helpline on 0716 895 703/ 0775 691 380.