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Animal War Vets office burning

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Animal War Vets office burning


Thank Goodness it’s Friday and the weekend starts right now. Last week I was in Mberengwa where our Mbinga died mysteriously after he allegedly collapsed in the early hours of the day. Like what I told you last week the funeral wake was a nasty one with most people leaving in a huff after several dynamites were blasted.
Akomanaka hanzi kuputitsa mahora muguva chaimo. I don’t know what has become of our Umuntu that we are stooping so low to disrespect our departed Cdes, brothers, sisters, uncles, nieces you name it to that extent. Makambozvinzwepi izvozvo. I am sure if we a chief is worth his salt he is going to fine the family.
Anyway, go well Bra Donna. We all hope it was God’s work because kana ari munhu I always tell you wani kuti Karma knows everyone’s address even the homeless. Chete word rekuti Karma seem not to be misunderstood and underrated because vazhinji havarinzwisisi.
Well, HOTH was out there in Mberengwa while Rome was burning just next to his shack. Aikaka ko makunakuna aiitika ipapo pana chiremba vemhuka apo. I am told the offices and the lab have been turned into love nests. Hanzi employees varikubika love kusvika yaorera.
Oti hanzi vakazvipa mazita ezvipukanana vamwe vanotonzi vana Snake. Ko vangadii havo handiti ndoshamwari dzavo here? They spent most of their time with sick animals. One thing I don’t know is what type of a snake is that. Kuti rovambira here or Chiva or both. I am told the Snake is going out with one of the employees hanzi vakatoti mudya wakasungwa chaiwo kambura ndakabhata, dzvetera matadza nzungu dzechinanzvirwa chaidzo.
Mai Linda iwe-e-e unoshupa-a-a wakatiza imba pano ukaenda kwakawakaenda. Wakasanga neni ukati mudiwa ndakatadza ngatidzokere kumba tinogara. Wosvika kumba wosvikoshaudha ini murume semukadzi wako dei ndaiva mukadzi wako ndaitiza musha wacho …humming hangu to Pengaudzoke’s throw back.
Those were days when music was still music. They never make music these days like they used to do back in the day. I am always apprehensive whenever the name Linda is mentioned. No! I don’t mean that one. Otherwise those women who are only vocal when Chamisa snatches the microphone from his wife but go on mute when Mary is being amputated will start labelling a male chauvinist.
I don’t mean that one who leads a grouping suspected to be a political party. I mean wedu uyu wepa Animal War Vet uyu. Ehee-ee iyeye wekudanana naBenson uyu. Oh sorry I mean Ben 10. Nhaka zvangu.
I heard she phoned the buddy one day not knowing the woman of the house was in temporary possession the phone and said ‘how are you Ben?’ All hell broke loose and there was a war of words over the phone. Hanzi yekuUkraine chaiyo.
As that was not enough they shifted the war zone from the phone to the Vet offices. Hanzi pakaita wabata murefu wabata mupfupi matauro emhuka achidonha vamwe vashandi vachidzorera. Ben’s wife made at scene at the offices and beat my Linda daylights out. That was really bad. Hey!
It was a bad day in office for two employees at the War Vet offices if you ask me. Roses are read and Violets are blue. Sugar is sweet but not as sweet as you…another blast from the past from King Yellow. A few days later there was another fight at the same venue.
I heard a certain guy at the Animal War Vet is also having an affair with another employee. Let’s call him Small Maize or Chibage or Chigwere pachiWasu. It’s all up to you to choose the best name to call him out of those three.
So, I heard that this Mr Small Maize Cob was now living with Roses as if they are husband and wife. No one knew that he is married. Surprisingly his wife came at the office unannounced and confronted the small house. Everyone was shocked that this guy had made his marriage a secret for years.
However, the wife didn’t waste time and she pounced at Rose. She beat her like nobody’s business. So the offices have been turned into a brothel of hubby snatchers and a boxing ring? Vakomana ka vanhu varikushuta kunze uku.
Until then see you next week. HOTH is going to choose kuti otangira pana driver waPDM here umwe Sawara so or padare guru pana muchuchusi wanetsa neGBV. See you guys!

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