70 High Court Judges converge in Masvingo
MASVINGO – Seventy High Court, Supreme and Constitutional Courts judges are converging in Masvingo for a two-day symposium that runs from tomorrow to Saturday.
Judicial Services Commission (JSC) secretary Walter Chikwanha confirmed the symposium to The Mirror and said Chief Justice Luke Malaba is expected to give welcome remarks at the conference.
The conference has left most of Masvingo’s hotels fully booked.
Chikwanha said the symposium is held at the end of every judicial term to allow judges to interact and engage each on matters relating to their performance, challenges, appraising work done in the term as part of their continuous skills development.
The first judicial term ends tomorrow and the courts will only be attending to urgent chamber applications and bail hearings. The second term begins on May 9, 2022.
The symposium will also be attended by the JSC secretariat and registrars of the courts.
“We are holding our end of first judicial term symposium at Great Zimbabwe Hotel on Friday and Saturday. This is a platform for judges to interact and engage of on their performance, challenges and appraisal of work done in the first term.
“The symposium will have presentations from senior and junior judges on areas that may cause confusion and those that require skills development. The secretariat and registrars of these courts will also attend the conference. The judges will take off from Masvingo on Sunday,” said Chikwanha.https://masvingomirror.com/