282 vendors at Mbizo market use bush toilet
Prisca Manyiwa-Masuku
KWEKWE – Registered vendors operating from a market in Mbizo 2, Kwekwe are using the bush because the only toilet there has no water most of the time, it is opened late and closed early and is also too small for the number it must serve.
The market has 282 vendors and the only other toilet nearby is a pay toilet.
The problem of toilets was reported since 2020.
Kwekwe Residents and Rate Payers Development Association Secretary General, Alex Homela who is also a vendor told The Mirror that vendors and customers are relieving in a nearby bush and along the railway line and this is a time bomb for diseases like cholera.
“We pay to council every month to use stalls at the market but they cannot provide us with decent ablution facilities. There are 282 people here with lease agreements but we don’t have toilets with running water.
“Toilets are closed at 4 pm and open at 8 am which means farmers who bring their products have no access to toilets. We raised the issue with council but they are not acting,” said Homela.
Councillor Dialis Muradzikwa, the chairperson of the health committee said she received complaints about lack ablution facilities and she and other female councillors would soon be visiting the place to assess the situation.
“I was informed about the problem and we will visit the place together with my fellow women councillors to see how best we can assist,” said Muradzikwa.
Zimbabwe Chamber of Small and Medium Enterprises director in Kwekwe district Alfred Mkandhla said he is aware of the situation and has raised the issue with council.
“I am aware of the problem. As an organization we tried to raise our concerns with the council but it has been years now and the matter has not been addressed,” said Mkandhla.
Kwekwe Mayor, Albert Zinhanga said the vendors can use pay toilets nearby.
“The toilets are there at the market but they are pay toilets. They have complained that the pay toilets are too expensive and we are looking into the matter,” said Zinhanga.